The Birth of a Book

Yesterday, I gave birth to my next novel. By that I mean I finally got to write the two sweetest words in a writer’s lexicon—THE END. I know some may think the two sweetest words are UNDER CONTRACT, but I disagree, especially in this new world of ebooks and self publishing.

Getting to the point where you can write those precious two words is (as every writer knows) not really the end, but rather the signaling that a new phase can now commence. I liken writing a book to giving birth because at times it can be exhilarating, painful, exciting, agonizing, a delight or a grind. Plus, there’s the emotional rollercoaster that can easily be compared to the hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy. You know those late nights when you write something you think is so good, it must be inspired by the gods. Then when you read it the next day, you feel more like that person in Munch’s, The Scream. Little wonder why the letters on the DELEATE key wear off first.

But now, after only a fourteen year pregnancy, my new book-child is born. Next comes the infant and toddler stage of editing, revising, editing, revising, editing . . . (you get the picture). I’ll have to go in and clean up all the “mess” and hope I don’t make a bigger one when I do. Example: Somewhere in the book the sheriff’s name mysteriously changed from Emmett to Virgil. Thank goodness for Find and Replace.

The school year stage comes next. You get to pick how you want to dress your book-child. Bright covers or dark noire? A landscape or person on the cover? Sexy, bold, simple or sedate? Hire a professional or do it yourself? What do you want the back cover, front cover, and spine to look like? What font? Use your name or a pseudonym? And gosh-a muddy, you’ve got to pick a title, a perfect title, one that grabs the reader’s attention.

Finally, your baby is ready to graduate, to be presented to the public like a debutante at a Southern Cotillion. You’re so proud, so hopeful readers will swoon over her, tell their friends about her, and plunk down their Visa card for a chance to hold her in their hands or see her on their Kindles.

And then, you start all over again with that new story that’s been swimming around in your head for a couple of years. Are novelist part masochists or expectant dreamers? Maybe, a little of both.

Thanks for stopping by,

Breaking TWIG

Breaking TWIG



Deborah Epperson                                                                                                   




These Spring days the big question heard everywhere you go is, “Should I remove the studded snow tires or will I need them again before summer?”

LESLIE BUDEWITZ: Good question — I had to leave mine on, the summer tires stacked in back, while my car sits at the airport! Why? Because I’m in LA this weekend, attending Sisters in Crime’s “Adapting to Hollywood” Conference, on pitching, screenwriting, adaptations, and more! Then home, to change out those tires!

Later in April, I’ll be going to New York for Edgars Week — as president of Sisters in Crime, I’m accepting the Raven Award given to SinC by the Mystery Writers of America for contributions to the mystery field other than creative writing. On Tuesday, April 26, 2016, I’ll be joining other visiting members of MWA for a meet and greet at the Mysterious Bookshop!

Then it’s on to Bethesda, MD for Malice Domestic, the fan convention celebrating the traditional mystery. I’ll be on a panel discussing food in fiction — one of my favorite subjects!

Marie F Martin Marie F Martin reports she is closing in on the rewrite of her next novel. With the help of her two critique groups, it is growing and changing into a readable story. The editors in both groups are sharp and push her to write her ideas clearer and more precise.  The working title has been 101 Harbor Hill, but after all the good help she has received, she is now calling it, Don’t Mess With Roberta. Of course, this is still a work in progress so the title will change again and again.  You can find her books on her Amazon page.

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DSC04562Betty Kuffel got sidetracked from completing a couple medical thrillers she is working on and published:

Birth Control 2016 on April 2.

It’s a science-based update on all those things your mother never told you and you were afraid to ask.

Amazon Cover BCYou can find it on her Amazon Page